
Telling My Truth

What I'm up to this week:

I'm in the middle of a personal writing course about telling your true stories.

Real stories that come from the tender, raw heart of the animal within me - the part of me that's fully and unabashedly vital. She feels and sees everything and names it.

This need to write has a sense of urgency. I can't refuse it. I can almost feel that the directive is coming from my throat chakra (the energy center in the body that is responsible for creative expression and truthful communication) who says, "Time to finally see and release what's been blocking you from moving forward."

It's not that I've never written about my life experiences before, because I have - mostly through journaling. But I need to go deeper. I know I'm at a crossroads right now,  standing on the edge of a new vista. Positive expansive changes are coming.

But sometimes, to take a step forward, it's necessary to take a step back first. Revisit things I've thought I'd healed. They test me again, just to be sure I've really learned the lesson so I'm prepared for the next big thing.

So while it's scary to take an honest look at my life and face feelings I'd rather run away from,  I know that I need to glide past those fears and keep my pen bravely moving, because writing will heal.

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